hEEEEEEEEEHEeeeeeeeee :D

Why I am laughing? Because I'm going to talk about these two items that combine together into one item. Hehehe.. Let's take a look.




Before this, I have explained about ice cream cake in my previous post but not in much. So today, I come back again with the same topic. Okay, what is ice cream cake actually? By looking at the two items that have been combined together in a process I am sure that you already have the rough idea. According to, ''It's cake and ice cream in two lovely cold layers, yummy friendly fun!''
I’m pretty sure that all of us are familiar with this lovely dessert.

Okay, I would like to go one by one. First I want to talk about ice cream. Ice cream is a very cold food that made from frozen cream or milk, flavor and sugar (Cambridge Dictionaries Online). Ice cream itself has a lot of flavors that we can choose. Different person has different taste so, by having many flavors, it can fulfill many people’s taste. Whereas, cake has been defined as a soft sweet food made from a mixture of  main ingredients flour, fat, eggs, sugar, and other ingredients, baked and sometimes iced or decorated: (Oxford Dictionaries Online).

When we talk about ice cream, we always think about the bad effects of eating it. But this time, I would love to share the benefits or the advantages of ice cream. Ice cream can be made as a source of energy (Joanne Marie). In her article, she states that according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one-half cup of vanilla ice cream provides 137 kilocalories of energy, about twice the amount in one-half cup of whole milk. So, based on this calorie content, we can say that ice cream is one of the energy sources for our body. Besides that, ice cream can be used as a source of minerals and vitamins which are needed in our body.

Despite all these benefits, ice cream also has bad effects. Now, I’ll tell a bit about its disadvantages. Ice cream is rich in fat and sugar content. It would be bad if we consume ice cream in a large amount. Fat can cause obesity ( NHS Choices, 2012). So, to be safe, we have to avoid from consuming this kind of food everyday.

Next, I would like to talk about cake. Cake also has the benefits for the people who eat it. According to Cafenood , cake contains carbohydrate which is very useful for us to consume the energy. In a cake, it also contains protein from eggs and milk which are needed by our body. But, we must bear in mind, a cake, if we consume in a huge amount, it can also give the bad effects to us. Cake contains fat that can also cause obesity and increase cholesterol level. In addition, artificial sweetener is commonly used in making a cake which is very dangerous to human health (Wisegeek).

 So, for the conclusion, I can say that, it is good to eat this ice cream cake, but you have to aware about how many times you consume it. Small is better than large. You know what I mean. :D


  1. Hmm... I really like cake.. especially chocolate... :D NICE post... Keep up the good work..

    1. hhahaha... thank you girul.. hehe.. I will try.

  2. Firstly, nice blog! I can feel the coldness here but unfortunately I love autumn more than winter. :P
    Just kidding!
    Critic on the presentation of essay:
    Sometimes we need to use the right colour to highlight your important points. So that we as the reader can read it easily.

    1. Mar, it is not to highlight the point actually,I dont know how it can be like this. haha.. NO idea how it can be.. the way thank you, dear :)

  3. the pictures look sexy! damn tempting! haha
    good information there!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. makes me want to scream out loud for ice cream!! Nice one :-D

  6. Hahahaha.. maybe you can treat me after this :D :P


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