Hi, first of all, I would love to apologize if my write up here is not done pretty well or if there is any errors or mistakes. I'm still learning and this blog is one of my mediums to improve my English language. Back to the topic mentioned above, I just want to talk about one of our greatest blessings in life which is our health. Being healthy is really a blessing. But, there are some people who take this blessing for granted. Me too. I was blessed with good health. I experienced a few problems. I have prolonged period and I was diagnosed with PCOS ( . You can read more here. Apart from that, my blood pressure was a bit high and my Hba1c test was not really good. I was asked by the doctor to go on healthy diet and change my lifestyle. Before this happened, I was so proud as I considered myself as a very healthy person. I didn't have any problems when it comes to medical check up. So, I did ...